You can see from advertising in print media and television that indigestion is a major symptom in American culture. The truth is over half of Americans suffer from low stomach acid as opposed to excess stomach acid.
Insufficient hydrochloric acid can produce the same symptomology as excess hydrochloric acid. Indigestion, bloating, reflux and even sub clinical autoimmune (thyroid, allergies, arthritis) can be traced back to a dysfunctional digestive system.
What can cause excess or deficient HCL and digestive capacity?
– poor food choices – junk foods/drinks that are vitamin and mineral deficient
– poor food combining – i.e. protein and carbohydrates
– unresolved emotional lessons that I resist learning that creates an autonomic sympathetic imbalance which reduces parasympathetic capacity (this is generally people referred to as being “stressed out”)
– see my other blog on PPI (protein pump inhibitors) and the health threats due to drugs
Here’s a quick check on your HCL levels
– try Alka Pan, for lower digestion problems
– try Super Digest and Zypan for upper digestive problems
if your symptoms lessen: its due to a HCL deficiency
if your symptoms increase: you truly have excessive HCL
If you are a menopausal/post menopausal woman (where estrogen levels are decreasing- lower estrogen can lower calcium utilization), especially if you are a light skinned, slender woman, smoke, drink, have low exercise, low calcium intake (green veggies) – DO NOT USE TUMS.
Tums alkalize the stomach, reducing digestive capacities and interfere with calcium absorption, resulting in greater rates of calcium loss from bones. Think Alka Cal or Calcium Lactate.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips