What I have observed in my 29 years of clinical experience is that initially and continually, people look for a quick fix. A magic pill, shot, potion, procedure or person will relieve my pain/suffering or condition. We are duped into thinking if the initial awareness or body expression/talk is suppressed then healing has occurred. I would rather ask, in the face of body awareness/symptoms, “What am I doing habitually that creates the need for emergency intervention or the magic pill in the first place?” How did I get here and specifically, what health choices led me to this place? What is my body revealing about my life choices?
We teach there are 6 Essential Choices creating either health or disease. They include what I eat, drink, breathe and how I rest, exercise and think. Truth is, my choices and habits have direct correlation to my body expression: either immediate (stomach ache or headache after eating certain foods) or over a long period of time (osteoporosis, obesity, high blood pressure, gastro-esophageal reflux, ulcers and diabetes to name a few).
Am I willing to look at my life, my choices, embrace my past and the effects I’ve created? Am I willing to learn and even be grateful that I benefited from these lessons?
Healing requires a shift from a victim (life happened to me), powerless mentality looking to external solutions to one of personal empowerment and responsibility for my life choices. The accumulation of my past and present choices creates the now expression.
This is what holistic healing offers: coaching, empowerment, guidance to return to within and express and live life from the inside out. And a willingness to change begins the shift.