Technically no. There is no natural treatment for any specific disease. There are allopathic- symptom based procedures, even in the natural/wholistic community; however the natural approach is to support the body’s normal functioning, remove obstacles to healing and to coach the client to not repeat the habits that created the need for the symptoms in the first place.
That being said, lets get back to diverticulitis. A diverticuli, a small pouch-like herniation, can occur anywhere in the digestive track( large & small intestine, stomach, esophagus). They tend to be asymptomatic, except when they get inflamed, which can lead to pain, nausea, fever and IBS. What is interesting is diverticulitis first started to accelerate in the over 50 population, around the time of processed foods becoming prevalent in American culture (1900’s). Low fiber diets, denatured processed food high in animal products are all major contributing factors. Emotions such as guilt, unresolved grief, defensive posturing and a strongly dogmatic attitude can also predispose the colon to functional weakness.
A simple format for dis-creating the need for diverticula are as follows:
– increase water in the diet
-increase fiber in the form of veggies/fruits, bran and freshly ground flax seed
-increase dark leafy vegetables
-increase whole grains and nuts
-have a live and let live attitude; be ok releasing what is not in your charge, (basically everything outside your skin), and take charge of your choices with peace and joy
In Health & Service
Dr. Roland F. Phillips