The adrenal glands are our fight flight glands; the stress glands. They are closely associated with the adductor muscle group; gastronemius, gracillus, soleus and satorius muscles. So any pain, dysfunction, mechanical injury to the lower back and extremities needs to be looked at as possible link to adrenal over reaching. The Triple Heater meridian (thyroid) in oriental health care is also involved with adrenal dysfunction. Many functional thyroid problems stem from an exhausted adrenal system with the thyroid slowing down to keep pace with a fatigued adrenal system. In the Chakra system, the second chakra, which is involved in personal power, money and sex has a fight/flight component.
Symbolically we engage our fight/flight response inappropriately when we erroneously give our personal power over to other people, money, sex, etc.., in exchange for some payoff or external source of happiness. We then are in a continuous state of fear and need to fight or run to get what we think we need externally to be happy.
There are other causes of hypo-adrenals that follow in this similar view.
– Excessive heat or cold: If you find you can not tolerate excessive heat/cold suspect your adrenals
– Any repeated thought or emotion, word spoken or behavior that is negative will trigger an adrenal response leading to adrenal exhaustion
– Chemical: refined junk food, insecticides, dyes, sugar, etc…
So what can you do?
The remedy for adrenal fatigue can vary from person to person. It’s important to recognize the problem and then make a conscious decision and effort to do something about it.
– building a good aerobic system and postponing anaerobic training is a good first step
– Avoiding high glycemic foods -sweets, processed flour products, sodas, fruit juices and excess caffeine
– Finding the vitamins and minerals lacking in your diet that are necessary for proper adrenal function, i.e. vitmains B6 and C, essential fats, magnesium and zinc to name a few.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips