We use the terms roughage and fiber interchangeably. Roughage is the part of carbohydrate that is not broken down in digestion/absorption. Instead it passes directly to the colon. Junk food (processed food) does not contain fiber. Here’s what we know positive roughage will do for you.
– increase natural immunity and speedy recovery for ailments such as appendicitis, hemorrhoids, IBS, cardiovascular disease and colon problems for starters.
– decreases the amount of time toxic waste is spent in your intestines.
– friendly bacteria flora of the lower intestine are favorably influenced by fiber in the diet.
– cholesterol levels are positively influenced.
– dietary roughage helps maintain weight control.
Great sources of roughage include: Whole grains, all green leafy vegetables, tuberous roots, fruits, pods, legumes, seeds and nuts. For a healthier life make these foods a regular part of your dietary habits.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips