We are different at Desert Dove Health & Wellness Center. We make no apologies and put everything up front. We are Wholistic (see the whole, rather than treat the parts), Health Oriented (health is the goal; of mind, body, soul & habits not the treating of a symptom), and Pro Active (we remove interference when you are here, yet recommend you to take an active part in your care-plan with homework, as opposed to just pay your money, we’ll do all the work and you never have to change a bit to get healthier).
Consider these questions before you engage in care to see if this is the right fit for you?
1. Why now?
Whats motivating me to seek care now. Am I in crisis and just want a quick fix, then go to the hospital or a Medical Doctor for some drugs that will put you back to comfort! Or am I recognizing something is not working anymore and I need some guidance to change my life; to truly see what’s/who’s holding me back from my optimal health expression?
2. What is the depth of my condition?
How long have you had this body awareness or symptom pattern? Days? Months? Years? When did this begin? What was going on in my life slightly before, during or after? Could there be a connection between how I emotionally respond to life and my condition? Because there is and are you willing to reconcile and have a 180° turn around for health? If not perhaps you are not ready for Wholistic Healthcare.
3. What is the cost of my habits and condition in my life?
If there is one thing I have learned in 30 years of seeing clients, it is this: When the cost of suffering is greater than any payoff I receive, that is when a person is willing to change their mind and then only! How much money, time from work & relatives, sleep and activities you enjoy have you given up as a result of this health challenge? Are you now truly ready and willing to change?
4. What is your desired future?
Is it o.k. to you that by age 65 you will be on 3 to 8 medications because of the accumulation of unwise health choices? What would you be doing and expressing this weekend if you were healthier and knew how to create health intentionally and at will?
5. How willing are you to change?
All authors and physicians I have spoken to agree; very little happens in a persons life until they are willing to take full responsibility for all the choices and habits they have accumulated in their life! For example: If I were to suggest you give up your sugar, coffee, french fries, coke, cigarettes for fruits, vegetables and deep breathing exercises, would you come up with an excuse (it’s just a well thought out lie!) or would you be willing to be temporarily uncomfortable for long term health & happiness?
If not, why even come under care if you know you will sabotage your own care? Will you follow through with the care we recommend, or come up with your own care plan? Will you give yourself the unlimited time to heal properly, or quit when things do not fit your time table or expectations? Will you weather the obstacles and opportunities of personal evolution or just go back to your comfort zone of denial?
6. Are you committed?
Have you ever committed yourself to a goal, a team, a person before? What did it take to achieve the success you said you desired? Are you willing to commit to yourself in a self-honoring manner or will you return to perceiving you are a victim and further justify your self induced suffering?
It is your health or disease, are you willing?
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips