Bone disease has reached near epidemic levels in America. Millions are effected by crippling and debilitating affects of osteoporosis. This is a de-mineralization of the bone, resulting in less density and fractures of the spine, wrist, hip and osteopenia (softening of the bones).
According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, an estimated 10 million Americans over 50 have osteoporosis with another 34 million developing osteopenia-precursor to osteoporosis. This is all in spite of calcium supplementation, digestive enzymes, vitamin D (from sunlight) and other supplementation.
Here’s some stats you may not know:
– 1.5 million people suffer osteoporosis fractures per year
– 20 % of senior citizens die within one year of a hip fracture
– 20 % of those suffering from hip fracture are confined to a nursing home
– 1 out of every 2Americans over 50 are at risk for low bone mass by 2020
– Oste0porotic hip fractures account for 300,000 hospitalizations and 18 billion dollars of emergency care per year
That’s the bad news. The good news is there’s a lot you can do today to take charge of your bone health today! And they all involve your six essential choices!!
1. Decrease your protein consumption to 40-50 grams a day. Over 50 grams, study’s show a tissue loss of calcium to buffer the metabolic effects of excess protein consumption.
2. Weight bearing exercises (see my blog on cardiovascular exercise).
3. Eat something alive (from the ground) at every meal, i.e. your fruits and veggies contain the vitmains and minerals your bones need to be healthy.
4. Reverse Osmosis water and lemon juice ( to make it alkaline) and/or Stevia. Drop the high fructose corn sweetened juices and sodas… They’re high in mercury and put on excess weight.
5. Increase the good fats: olive oil, fish, nuts, avocado, etc… yes, even eggs!
6. Alka Green and Trace Minerals will build your bones and naturally alkalize your system.
7. Alka Cal is micro-crystaline hydroxyappetite (bone matrix); the most bone ready calcium source known. It preserves the calcium, microcrystaline matrix of living bone, protecting phosphorous, zinc, magnesium, trace minerals and protein in the process.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips