Much study had been done on aging and Omega 3 Fatty Acids:
– Elizabeth Blackburn, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of California, San Fransisco
-Journal of American Medical Association, January 2010
What the researchers found is that aging and cell replication go hand in hand. About 50 cell replications take place and then the cell dies. Telomeres, or short caps of DNA on the end of the chromosome are now seen to be a key indicator of cellular aging and cell death. The length of the telomere or the shortening seems to indicate cellular health or cellular degeneration.
Researchers also found that the longer the telomere measurement, the healthier the cell, or slower cellular degeneration. Omega 3 fatty acids in the diet increases the length of telomeres 32%.
Here’s a short list of the benefits of Marine Lipids (Omega 3 Fatty Acids)
1. Anti-Inflammatory (a key step in all disease formation)
2. Anti-Platlet ( Anti Coagulation)
3. Anti-Hypertensive
4. Anti-Arrhythmic
5. Telomere Lengthening
6. Protectors against Heart Disease
7. Anti-Aging
8. Reduces Vascular Stiffness
9. Slows age related cognitive (thinking) decline
10. Reduces age related macular degeneration
Causes of Telomeric Shortening
1. Systemic inflammation (think of your 6 Essential Choices)
2. Obesity
3. Oxidative Stress -diet, thoughts, pollutants, etc.
4. Lack of physical activity
Some products that I recomend in the office to fulfill Omega’sare Super EFF, Biogenesis’ Omega 3-6-9- Oil and Alka Omega 3.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland F. Phillips BA.,BS.,D.C.