1. Between 1997-2002 there was a doubling of peanut allergies among children.
2. One out of seventeen children under 3 yrs old had a food allergy.
3. According to the CDC there was a 265% increase in hospitalization related to food allergies.
4. Kraft and Monsanto have actually funded food allergy non-profit studies, perhaps a conflict of interest? (From the book ” Unhealthy Truth” by Robyn O’Brien)
5. A food sensitivity is when your body perceives or reacts to a protein/food as a threat. The immune response is inflammation in the gut, blood, hormones and even the brain.
6. According to the Wall Street Journal milk is the top allergen.
7. Bovine growth hormone, which is injected into the cow to increase size, to increase profits, began in 1994. Around the time of spikes in allergies to milk.
8. Canada, European Nations, Japan, Australia and New Zealand do not allow RB6H into their milk cheese.
9. 1996 Medical Journal reported that RB6H milk has up to 10 times the amount of Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGF-1)
10. The 1998 British Journal of Medicine cancel reports that even small amounts of IGF-1 can lead to breast cancer in women, 7 times more likely.
11. According to the American Cancer Society, the U.S. has the highest rate of cancer in the world. And when you move here from other societies your likelihood of developing cancer increase by fourfold!
12. Soy, corn, artificial colors, preservatives and dyes have been implicated in autism, asthma and ADHD (to name a few) beyond allergies.
13. Kraft and Coca-Cola made different products for over seas markets than products in the U.S. (lunch meats).
14. The South Hampton study in the UK, a double blind study, illustrated how coloring and dyes contribute to hyperactivity in children.
You decide whats healthy for your kids based upon your knowledge: Less junk, more natural from the ground = healthier kids = happier home. It might be uncomfortable at first, but you wont die from uncomfortable. In the end virtue will set us free. Even from unscrupulous companies who seek profits over integrity.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips BA, BS, D.C.