The science of Epigenetics tells us that the brain of the cell is the cell wall and that the nucleus (center) of the cell containing the DNA is the reproductive center of the cell. Environment plays the key part in determining, through interaction with the cell wall, what genes will be activated and what will occur within the body. What is most exciting, is, to a large part, I determine, my environment, through my choices.
The National Institute of Health will be investing $190 million over the next 5 years into the understanding of Epigenetics and your health. They’ll most likely study diet and exercise which are 2 of our 6 essential choices. However, what has the most dominant effect upon Epigenetics is our thoughts ( read our previous blogs).
There are 1.1 million women diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide with 200,00 being Americans. What is interesting is there are over 300 studies that demonstrate eating vegetables can protect from cancer development. Especially vegetables of the genus Brassica: namely broccoli, cabbage, watercress, kale, Brussels sprout, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Peruvian Macca and mustards. For example, when eating 5 servings a week of these vegetables, the cancer odds ratio drops to .58 which is a 50% reduction in risk.
Perhaps we could also look at hidden resentments, bitterness, unforgiveness, over-responsibility (narcissism) over/under-nurturing others or ourselves. These are the predominant negative emotions of the Stomach Meridian that passes over the breast tissue. Dr. Dirk Hammer speaks from experience, with over 15,000 cases of studied cancer. Resolution through forgiveness and embracing the lesson will most assuredly hasten the healing and reconnection to source.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips