Did you know that if you fill your plate with these and other vegetables you are filling your internal bank account (alkaline reserve) with countless riches (vitamins, minerals, co-factors, enzymes, etc) for future usage?
Cabbage: 1 cup has 96% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin K (clotting) and 50% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C
Carrots: Beta Carotene – research suggests beta carotene protects against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.
Tomatoes: Cycopene – may protect against cancer development as well as containing vitamins A, C, K, and other key nutrients.
Mint: Contains an essential oil that is stress reducing, clears the sinus, and his high in vitamins A, C, and essential minerals.
Cauliflower: May protect against cancer development and contains anti-inflammatory compounds such as sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol.
Cucumbers: Great source of potassium, naturally calming to the sympathetic nervous system, intracellular electrolyte that balances sodium, muscle relaxer, and high in antioxidants (60 diseases are known to be from free radical damage). High in fiber – colon health!
Bell Peppers: Powerhouse of vitamins A, C, E, K, Bx and antioxidants just to begin with!
Peas: Packed with vitamins K, C, B, Manganese, Fiber, and a great non-meat source of protein.
Barley Green Sprouts: Too large to list, a must daily!
Trace Minerals: What your body craves and is not largely present in our soil.
In Health and Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips