It’s obvious that there is a health problem in America. The major diseases of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, auto immune/inflammation and obesity are increasing despite more money, drugs and therapeutics being thrown at the problem to fight it.
Perhaps fighting a symptom or trying to fix it is a form of resistance, which generates more problems.
Maybe we as a nation could choose to embrace the facts (we’re getting sicker each year) and begin to look at cause, one of which is diet.
One area of concern is snacks. If you choose to go with white flour, white rice, high fructose corn syrup, synthetic dyes and preservatives, you’ll continue the cycle of symptoms and disease. I could choose to shop and eat healthy!
Nuts are a great snack for kids and adults. In 1996 the Iowa Women’s Health Study found women who ate nuts 4 to 5 times a week were 40% less likely to die of heart disease. The 2002 Physicians Health Study found that men who consumed 2 or more nut servings a week also had a reduced risk of sudden cardiac death. These studies confirmed studies at Loma Linda University and Harvard School of Public Health.
Most nuts and seeds are rich in fiber, poly-nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamin E, selenium, sterols and omega 3 fatty acids. A one ounce serving will contain 160 to 200 calories with 13 to 20 grams of fat. We need this good fat for hormone production, anti-inflammation, cell wall metabolism, the covering of nerves (myelin sheath) & brain, nutrition for the eyes and fuel involved in ALL aerobic activities (heart rate less than 130 bpm).
Almond milk which does not, in general, create allergic reactions is a good substitute for cow’s milk.
So go pick up sunflower seeds, almonds, Brazil nuts, Pumpkin seeds (insert your personal favorites here) and mix them with raisins and other dried fruits and you have a healthy nutritious, life-giving snack for yourself and family.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland F. Phillips Jr., BA, BS, DC