1. Under Eating & Skipping Meals
The adrenal hormone cortisol is stimulated which decreases thyroid function (sluggish metabolism) and increases abdominal weight gain.
2. Overeating Sugar in all forms
Increases insulin which leads to weight gain.
3. Estrogenic Foods (non-organic)
Estrogenic hormones in the meat decrease thyroid function and other glands which leads to sluggish metabolism and weight gain all over. Estrogen increases cell size and cell division.
4. Juice, Sugar, Coffee, Tea (caffeine free)
Increase insulin which increases weight gain, decreases liver function (weight to abdomen) and decreases thyroid function (weight all over).
5. Diet Pills, Herbal Teas, Caffeine
Over stimulates adrenals which increases weight to mid section.
6. Medication (Birth Control, HRT, All Medications)
Increases fluid, inhibits glands, increases insulin and slows weight loss. When these are present, body physiology to loose weight is almost impossible.
7. Veggies, Veggies, Veggies – The most commonly overlooked item for weight loss
Are they overcooked? Overcooking depletes enzymes and slows healing of liver (abdominal roll).
8. Fruits
Too much fruit can increase insulin and decrease thyroid hormones which increases overall weight gain.
9. Refined Carbohydrates and Starches
All junk food, bread pasta, donuts, rice cakes etc… Increase insulin and decrease thyroid hormones which decreases body fat all over.
10. Excessively Cooked Proteins That Are Non-Organic and Contain Estrogen and Growth Hormones
Liver function becomes sluggish which decreases thyroid function & hormones and leads to weight gain all over. Excess protein (more than 40-75 grams/day) or the equivalent of 3 decks of cards per day, increases insulin and stimulates weight gain.
11. Soy
Is a hidden source of estrogen, which decreases thyroid function/hormones and stimulates weight gain.
12. Water Retainers – Cause Bloating and Water Weight Gain.
MSG and all artificial sweeteners and chlorinated sugars cause the body to retain water.
13. Not Enough Good Fats
Good fats – walnuts, avocados, essential fatty acids, flax seed oil and fish oils.
14. Exercise Burns Fat As Long As You Are
a. Aerobic (not panting, able to hold a conversation, i.e. no weight lifting and strenuous exercise). Target heart rate zone is 180-your age-5 = top of zone minus 10 = bottom of zone. i.e. 180- 50 yrs old – 5 = 125 (top) – 10 = 115 (bottom). So 125 to 115 is the target heart rate zone for a 50 year old.
b. Maximum fat burning zone is greater than 20 min, 3 -6 times a week. More time aerobic increases fat burned for calories and stimulates greater fat loss.
Rate each category (1-14) as a 1, 2, or 3
1. Minimal transgression = minimal need to change.
2. Moderate transgression = moderate need to change.
3. Major/severe transgression = major/severe need to change.
Handle all 3’s first, then 2’s, then 1’s
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips