Take this test
• I have any form of inflammatory intestinal symptom or disease
• Blood sugar imbalances (hypo/hyper glycemia)
• Intestinal cramps, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, i.e. IBS
• Heartburn, esophagitis
• Behavioral outbursts with children
• Increased/worsened schizophrenia in susceptible individuals
• Auto immune disorders: rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, systemic lupus, dermatitis herpetiformis, pancreatitis
• Unexplained anemia, mood swings, fatigue, fibromyalgia, eczema, osteoporosis
There is a great possibility for individuals with a genetic predisposition and/or under high emotional stress, wheat could be more detrimental to you than sugar or a junk diet!
If you have answered yes to 5 or more of the above questions, you may want to consider this. For the next 60 days abstain from any and all wheat products. What clinicians have found may surprise you:
– 20-30 lbs of weight loss in a matter of 4-6 weeks
– blood sugar and triglyceride levels become normalized
– HDL can increase (healthy)
– LDL and C-reactive protein (marker for inflammation) will drop
– additional cessation of: pain, gas, reflux, inflammatory conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, type II diabetes
– mood and behaviors normalize
– skin improvement
One client of mine, who had a family history of gout, and was experiencing chronic inflammation in his joints was totally asymptomatic within 30 days of eliminating wheat and gluten from his diet (rye and barley also).
If you get these dramatic results, diet was the primary cause. If not give us a call or get to a B.E.S.T. Practitioner (morter.com) for deeper emotional investigation.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips