Dale Carnegie wrote ” I find that 50% of my worries vanish once I arrive at a clear, definite decision; and another 40% usually vanish once I start to carry out that decision.”
There is a part of our being that is very narcissistic. This primordial self-centeredness is passed on from generation to generation and invariably shows up when life, people, places, things or events go differently than I expect. It’s at this point I could choose to accept the experience, situation, event, person, sensation, body awareness – AS IT IS -without judging it according to old/outdated “shoulds”. Resisting WHAT IS creates negative emotional states and imbalances the Autonomic Nervous System.
William James, the father of Applied Psychology, stated “Be willing to have it so!” What he had learned in practice and personally is that the beginning of healing starts with willing acceptance of the what is. If not, I’ve got one foot on the gas (flight) and one foot on the brake (fight) and I go nowhere, all the while burning my car out!
Sound familiar? This is how we get ill. You can put any name you want on it and discover lots of diagnostic findings physically, yet it is all resistance to learning the lesson.
Here’s a short list of positive to-do’s that you could willingly choose to embrace and move on into healing.
1. Acknowledge every negative thought, emotion, word, action or unpleasant sensation as a welcomed message of change.
2. Breathe in deeply into the abdomen, lower your shoulders and recall a life experience where you were deeply grateful. Continue to breathe deeply, focusing on pictures and emotions of gratitude until you feel different in some way (mentally, physically, emotionally).
3. There are only 3 decisions now that you are more present to the present moment of growth and decision.
A. In this present moment- What am I in charge of? Do it and be at peace, without expectation of outcome.
B. In this present moment- What am I not in charge of? and never was. Let it go; whether it is a shoulda
coulda, wish, person place, circumstance or event, “Let it go”, and be at peace, having healthy borders &
C. Leverage: Send people or circumstances that come to mind, pictures and emotions of peace, love
and gratitude, whether I see eye to eye or not, for I truly reap what I sow.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips