When we respond to life inappropriately; as if it is an event to control, dominate, or avoid we become stuck in the Sympathetic portion of the Autonomic Nervous System. This system is primarily one of intense physical work, athletics or survival based activities. Many reactions occur in our bodies with the end result being one of alkaline mineral deficiency.
Potassium is an alkaline mineral that in balanced states is predominant inside our cells. Excess Sympathetic stimulation (stressing out), excess training and simple sugars deplete potassium inside the cells.
Here’s a brief description of some side effects/symptoms of alkaline mineral deficiency:
-stiff sore achy joints
-inability to concentrate, think clearly
-cardiac arrhythmia’s (heart skipping beats, fluttering, extra beats)
-irritability, argumentative, can’t handle life’s challenges
-various back and neck conditions associated with visceral dysfunction (i.e. T1, T2 with progressive heart problems, T1-T7 respiratory/asthmatic conditions, T4-T9 digestive problems, T10-T12 Kidney problems, L1-L3 bowel problems)
-craving of simple sugars
-circulatory problems, high blood pressure/pulse
-asthma, respiratory conditions
-spasticity of esophageal and pyloric/sphincter, colon, small intestine
-poor absorption of nutrients – inadequate sodium and potassium
-swelling of legs, difficulty urinating
-diarrhea ( too much maltose/lactose
-constipation ( too much sucrose)
1. Deep breaths when life’s challenges arise or you notice you’re in a negative emotional state
2. Take charge of what you can
3. Let go of the rest
4. M Power March
5. Alkalize with fruits and vegetables ( Alka Green and Green2O)
6. Decrease refined sugar
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland F. Phillips BA, BS, D.C.