There is a lot of conflicting data on exercise. How much, how often and especially how intense. Based upon 28 years of working clinically with a vast array of clients and the writings of many authors (Dr. Phillip Maffetone, Dr. John Douillard & Dr. MT Morter Jr., to name a few), I have come to the conclusion: if you listen and follow current pundits of high intensity, anaerobic activity, you will over time develop some sort of diseased state. I’m not debating that in the short run (5 yrs), you can get very fast or fit, however over time you will create an autonomic time bomb that will be expressed through the sympathetic and/or parasympathetic nervous system.
It matters not if its musculo-skeletal, hormonal, digestive, immune, blood sugar or cyclic (circadian rhythms/sleep/menstrual/menopause/andropause). And once you get this symptom or disease, no matter what the symptomatic approach is, if you do not address the cause which in most cases is multifaceted, your just playing musical chairs with yourself…
By multifaceted I mean; the person is a type A personality-driven to success, to be first, the best, etc. and
– there is a stress at home, with kids, relatives and/or spouse
– there is unsettled conflicts at work or with neighbors
– there is unresolved old family of origin issues
– past athletic competition – school pressure/expectations or events
– past physical traumas, surgeries, etc.
These under the surface layers; when combined with intense repetitive exercise can lead to frustration then poor performance and disease.
The endurance community is strewn with athletes who no longer are active due to a metabolic injury.
Remember, just because you can get away with it doesn’t mean you should. Will you be the next statistic or the person who whips their body like a tired horse? Or will you listen to life’s lessons and grow and evolve to more self honoring exercise and fitness?
I recommend monitoring your heart rate zone during exercise with this simple formula from Dr. Phillip Maffetone: 180-your age (if you have no physical symptoms) and – 10 ( if you do have any physical symptoms). This will give you the top # of your ideal exercise zone, subtracting 10 will give you the bottom of your aerobic exercise zone. Example: 180-50 (age) = 130 to 120 ideal heart rate for aerobic exercise. Example: 180-50 (age) -10 (physcial symptoms present) = 120 to 110 ideal heart rate for aerobic exercise.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland F. Phillips BA.,BS.,D.C.