1. Asprin, Aluminum based antacids - folate, thiamin, magnesium, phosphates, potassium 2. Glucocorticoids: Dexamethasone, Prednisone, Indomethacin, Methotrexiate - amino acids, asorbic acid, magensium, potassium, zinc, folate 3. … [Keep Reading]
Sagging Libido? Maybe It’s Time To Change
It is estimated that men loose up to 2 % of their testosterone, the libido producing hormone, every year past 40 and women also experience changes in estrogen and testosterone as they approach menopause. So what's the answer? Who wants to have the … [Keep Reading]
Frozen Shoulder: Is There A Blood Sugar Connection ?
Here are the facts: Non-Mechanical (not from trauma) of frozen shoulder - 2 to 4 times higher in Diabetes than in general population - common in Type I/II Diabetes, increasing with age and duration of Diabetes - the prevalence of … [Keep Reading]
Your Immune System: Healthy and Aging
The aging process described by Deshaun Hammer in the 1950's are manifesting at earlier ages. Metabolic Syndrome - high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, cancer and heart disease have drastically increased in the last 20 years. Many … [Keep Reading]