Millani & Colleagues from Ochsner Clinic followed 522 cardiac patients who exercised for 12 weeks of aerobic cardiovascular exercise for 50 minutes 3 times a week. The results are as follows: -Physically fitter (cardiovascular … [Keep Reading]
Do My Feelings Really Matter?
One of the greatest determinants of health or disease in a person is their attitude about themselves, others and life. When I say attitude I mean their subconscious beliefs. These are programmed between 0-7 yrs of age and may not be very accurate, … [Keep Reading]
Brush Your Teeth and Lower Heart Disease Risk
I know we've all heard it from our parents and dentists growing up, that dental hygiene is very important to out overall health. A recent study of 11,000 adult men and women, averaged age 50, surveyed brushing habits and determined the prevalence … [Keep Reading]
How You Can Calm Down Your Joints Naturally!!!
40 % of arthritis and osteoarthritis patients in the U.S. are now currently taking supplements and herbs to reduce inflammation. Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease- an old unreconciled injury) is the most common form of inflammatory joint … [Keep Reading]