Many individuals returning home from military service have symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. According to a recent Newsweek article, 20% of our troops are vulnerable. With 2.1 million service persons in Iraq … [Keep Reading]
Happy Smokers? Think Again
In 2008 The National Institute of Health Interview Survey estimated 24.8 million men and 21.1 million women smoke. That's 20% of the population of our country that is unwilling and unable to choose a healthier lifestyle. The negative side-effects … [Keep Reading]
Type II Diabetes: 1 Out of Every 3 Americans By 2050
What's wrong with this picture? We have the most resources, doctors, education and finances than any country on the planet. Yet we are one of the sickest places to live. Here's some side effects (direct effects really, the side effect moniker is … [Keep Reading]
Resistance: The Only True Cause of Dis-ease
Dale Carnegie wrote " I find that 50% of my worries vanish once I arrive at a clear, definite decision; and another 40% usually vanish once I start to carry out that decision." There is a part of our being that is very narcissistic. This … [Keep Reading]