watch?v=tzLLh1BHvWA … [Keep Reading]
Your Top List of Nutritionally Valuable Foods
1. Anything that comes out of the ground, especially if its locally grown and organic. Fresh produce contains all the alkaline vitamins, minerals, enzymes and co factors in the right ration for our bodies to process and deliver to the cell. We … [Keep Reading]
Your Health – Your Choice
Dr. Dean Ornish & Colleagues found that comprehensive lifestyle changes altered gene expression in patients with prostate cancer. Over 500 genes changed genes changed their expression due to diet, meditation and other lifestyle … [Keep Reading]
Epigenetics: How Your Choices Affect Your Genetic Expression
To put it in a nutshell, we all have inherited genetic strengths and weaknesses. However all to often in the office I hear from clients "it's in my genes", my mother, father, sister, aunt had x,y,and z so the default through inadequate knowledge and … [Keep Reading]