There are a various 11,000 + (by today’s count) chemicals, therapeutic and recreational drugs, pollutants etc. in the environment that create numerous problems and degeneration in our bodies. These compounds are known as endocrine disruptors. If you can taste plastic in a cup or water bottle-find a new one! In certain types of plastic, chemicals […]
The Cost of Obesity
We are the most obese nation on the planet. How can this be? We have more doctors, nutritionist, hospitals, gyms, health-clubs, and finances than all other nations put together! This symptom, which is epidemic and is currently trying to be legislated away, which will never work. Did this work with prohibition? Did it work in […]
Our Children, Ourselves and Environmental Pollutants
Phillip and Alice Shabecoft have written an enlightening book “Poison for Profit”. His was a New York Times reporter for 32 years and has founded Greenwire, an online digest of environmental news. Some alarming statistics that his research revealed: -out of 73 million children: 21 million (1 out of 3) suffer from one or another […]