Two research studies recently released confirm what anyone with common sense knows; sitting for long periods of time and over working at our job can have devastating effects on our physical and mental health. A Danish study published by the British Medical Journal on 5,000 Caucasian males over the age of 40 found that those men who […]
The Benefits of Eating a Mediterranean Diet
Research on the diet of the Mediterranean culture has shown to have many benefits that are appropriate for Americans. – heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease – atherosclerosis – diabetes – colon cancer – asthma – inflammatory conditions (anything ending in “itis”) – One study exclusively using olive oil when preparing foods, as opposed to […]
Happy Smokers? Think Again
In 2008 The National Institute of Health Interview Survey estimated 24.8 million men and 21.1 million women smoke. That’s 20% of the population of our country that is unwilling and unable to choose a healthier lifestyle. The negative side-effects of choosing to smoke are: COPD or emphysema Heart disease Abdominal aneurysm Various forms of cancer: […]
Do You Want To End Obesity In Your Life Or Your Childrens?
This is a fundamental question. What I have learned in 30 years of practice is that until a person has come to a place of committed willingness, very little will be accomplished toward healing and wellness. There is a pervasive belief in out society that happiness is external to myself. I am therefore always in […]