Without getting into the politics of control, lets look at the real issue. Are we really talking about health care? Can you legislate health care? Whose responsibility is it for health? Who is responsible when we reap natural consequences of violating natural laws? From my point of view as a practicing physician for over 25 […]
And a willingness to change…
What I have observed in my 29 years of clinical experience is that initially and continually, people look for a quick fix. A magic pill, shot, potion, procedure or person will relieve my pain/suffering or condition. We are duped into thinking if the initial awareness or body expression/talk is suppressed then healing has occurred. I […]
It’s not my emotions!
She lay face down on my treatment table in a plus 10 pain syndrome. A congenital malformation of the sternum, shallow breath, tears and not wanting her medical doctors’ suggested surgery was her picture. I was a last resort. I asked her if she was in pain for a long time. She said her “whole […]
B.E.S.T. is too good!
I couldn’t believe that I had said it. Yes, I did. And I meant it! BEST is too good! It works too fast. Let me go back a bit. This client originally came to me a year before. He presented with right shoulder pain experienced over the past 7 years, waking him up at night. […]