Genetically modified foods came about in the early 90’s. Interestingly enough that was when I noticed in my practice that peoples health problems began to accelerate. These altered crops promised to be:
-higher yielding
-feed the hungry
-require less water, resistant to drought
-added vitamins to yield more nutrition
-resistant to pests
-no different from conventional crops
Here’s the downside. The weeds around these crops are becoming herbicide resistant, due to the overuse of herbicides. Super weeds are now developing across the United States farmland. The high use of herbicides in GMO’s dumps up to 150 million extra pounds of toxic herbicides into the land, which then goes into the water supply, every year (Andrew Kimbel-activist, author, public Internet attorney).
The faulty science behind GMO is that it’s the DNA that controls the cell, when in reality, as proven by epigeneticist’s Bruce Lipton (Biology of Belief) it’s the cell wall , and all that the cell wall is exposed to which signals the DNA to activate one gene from another.
It does not stop at GMO, it is now going to seeds; 50 % of the worlds commercial seeds are currently owned by bio-tech companies. These seeds have also been genetically modified and p.s. by their second generation they become sterile! So the farmers have to purchase new seeds! It seems to me that this is a form of monopoly.
We haven’t even begun to see the side effects of GMO’s. Prudence tells me it’s not smart to mess with mother nature. We need to work with mother nature. Are these scientists really smarter than the original designer???Nuff said.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland F. Phillips BA, BS, D.C.