The B- vitamins are a complex group of specific nutrients that are needed as a combination for us to be healthy. Certain groups within the population are extremely vulnerable to B-vitamin deficiencies. 1. People over 65 loose B12, as their digestion decreases with age (think Alka Pan, Super Digest and Food Combining). 2. Vegetarians can […]
Will You Take A Stand For Childhood Health?
According to the 2005 report published by The Institute of Medicine: “Over the past 3 decades the rate of childhood obesity has more than doubled for preschool children aged 2 to 5 years and adolescents 12 to 19 years. And it has more than tripled for 6 to 11 year old’s.” Heart disease, stroke, type […]
Annual Cost of Back Problems: $30.5 Billion
The cost to the American public was more than $30 billion in 2007 up from $16 billion in 1997. According to The Agency for Health Care Research and Quality. Upon analysis in 2007, 27 million people or nearly 12% of adults age 18 or older, reported having back problems. Of those people more than 19 […]
Dentistry And Amalgan Filling: FINALLY!
In June of 2009 the FDA finally decided that amalgam fillings which contain mercury, may be dangerous to our health. You think! The FDA cautioned these fillings may pose a risk “to developing fetuses, pregnant women and those people who are particularly sensitive to mercury.” Let me add that everyone is always replacing old cells […]