Recent studies indicate low back pain is the #8 reason people seek medical intervention: Chiropractic is much more cost effective than Allopathic disease care. Here's a short list of studies on the cost effectiveness of Chiropractic care and back … [Keep Reading]
It’s All About Your 6 Essential Choices
It matters not what we're taking about, whether it's an acute infection, a chronic unresolved injury, a metabolic syndrome (cardiovascular-II Diabetes), hormonal imbalances ( thyroid function, Cancer) or auto-immune (Hashimoto's Disease, Arthritis): … [Keep Reading]
Your Mind is Your Business!
What I observe daily within my own mind and that of my clients is how easily we are distracted from being present, now. And how quick we are in "sticking our noses" into other peoples business, yet not paying attention to what is directly facing me … [Keep Reading]
The Benefits of Eating a Mediterranean Diet
Research on the diet of the Mediterranean culture has shown to have many benefits that are appropriate for Americans. - heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease - atherosclerosis - diabetes - colon cancer - asthma - … [Keep Reading]