A client came in with a diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease; regional enteritis, inflamed small intestine. She had tried the whole gamut of allopathic/medical management with no results. She had also changed her diet and was on supplements but to no avail. After 8 visits with Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique-B.E.S.T., her body is no longer needing […]
Your Immune System: Healthy and Aging
The aging process described by Deshaun Hammer in the 1950’s are manifesting at earlier ages. Metabolic Syndrome – high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, cancer and heart disease have drastically increased in the last 20 years. Many observational studies support the theory that these ill effects are exerted by free radicals upon the cell […]
Pass Up The Paxil and Go for a Walk
Researchers analyzing 718 depressed patients deemed Anti-Depressant drugs not much more effective than placebos in relieving non-severe symptoms. These findings combined with a myriad of side effects, may help mild to moderate cases of depression to reconsider Allopathic care. It is known that a proper diet (see previous blogs), exercise, breathing exercises and forgiveness homework […]
It’s All About Balance
In our physical bodies balance is controlled by 3 systems: the visual system (eyes), the vestibular system (inner ears) and proprioception (combination of sensors in the skin, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments). Our ability to stand upright and move in a coordinated, energy efficient fashion, is a result of our bodies ability to balance itself […]