A recent study by “C. Langenberg’ in Plus Medicine 2012, reveals that the waist measurement is a better indicator than body mass index for incidence of percentage of males and females developing type II diabetes. For men with an average waistline of 40 inches and above there was a 7% greater incidence of type II […]
40 Million US Adults Suffer From an Anxiety Disorder Each Year
The National Institute of Mental Health estimates 29% of US adults will experience an anxiety disorder during their lifetimes. Lets look at what anxiety is from my perspective. An anxiety is a broad based fear that something “bad”or not wanted or not preferred is going to happen. People have said to me “it feels like […]
Your Mind is Your Business!
What I observe daily within my own mind and that of my clients is how easily we are distracted from being present, now. And how quick we are in “sticking our noses” into other peoples business, yet not paying attention to what is directly facing me in my life. I know firsthand, of a person who […]