September 5th, 2012 Blog Talk Radio interview with Global Operation Detox
Children and Drugs: The By-Product of Allopathic Conditioning
We are now living in a society that has been lobbied and hypnotized by the pharmaceutical companies that health or lack of symptoms are a result of pills and procedures that are external to you as a being. This is an outside/in perspective which leads to dependency on some outside source (medicine, government, church, drugs, […]
Passive vs Active Healing
“The patient should be made to understand that he or she must take charge of his or her own life. Don’t take your body to the doctor as if it were a repair shop.” Quentin Regestein- US Psychiatrist True! Yet the practitioner must be an example of healthy living and be able to coach clients […]
Dr. Phillips Interviewed by Global Operation Detox on BlogTalkRadio
Dr. Phillips Interview on BlogTalkRadio