According to the 2005 report published by The Institute of Medicine: “Over the past 3 decades the rate of childhood obesity has more than doubled for preschool children aged 2 to 5 years and adolescents 12 to 19 years. And it has more than tripled for 6 to 11 year old’s.”
Heart disease, stroke, type II diabetes (and all of it’s complications) joint disease, all inflammatory processes, hormonal/blood sugar regulation and immune regulatory syndromes are greatly aggravated if not generated by childhood then adult obesity.
According to the Center for Disease Control, children are getting more calories than ever before. And I add, these calories are empty and laced with foreign hormones.
In 2006, McDonald’s spent $520 million dollars in advertising and toys to market children’s meals. Once you’re there with your kids for the quick meal, you and your children will consume a meal to high in calories and hormones, saturated fat, sugar, table salt and devoid of whole grains (B vitamins for the heart).
Perhaps a different behavior, out of love and honor of ourselves and children, would be to prepare whole snacks when traveling and eating healthy (see previous blogs) meals that promote childhood health and will lead into active and mindful adulthood.
Here’s some quick tips
1. If it’s not coming out of the ground, a tree or animal – don’t eat it (pseudo foods, processed foods, hydrated oils, hormone added, pesticide added…)
2. Eliminate and minimize stimulatory foods – sugar, coffee, tea, colas, sodas, table salt, alcohol, caffeine drinks, diet sodas, junk food etc. which send our body’s biochemistry soaring out of balance causing a variety of symptoms including: multiple sclerosis, fatigue, weight gain, skin conditions, brain fog, behavioral problems . . . etc
3. Avoid non-organic, chemical and hormone laden foods. Eat whole, fresh, natural, organic: brown rice, meat, fish, poultry, whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, veggies and fruits.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips