If there is one consistent factor we find in our clinic and many others like ours upon symptom questionnaire and diagnostic testing it is Blood Sugar Imbalance. It is all too pervasive in our society, regardless of what you are aware of as far as your current symptomology, without proper blood sugar stabilization you may […]
Will You Take A Stand For Childhood Health?
According to the 2005 report published by The Institute of Medicine: “Over the past 3 decades the rate of childhood obesity has more than doubled for preschool children aged 2 to 5 years and adolescents 12 to 19 years. And it has more than tripled for 6 to 11 year old’s.” Heart disease, stroke, type […]
It’s Just Stress!
Seriously? It’s not just stress, it’s how I interpret and respond to life! And if I am constantly in a tug of war within myself, others, kids, spouse, friends, traffic, the economy, the government, etc., I’m forever missing the mark. The truth of the matter is, it’s not stress “out there” but an inner resistance […]