1. Asprin, Aluminum based antacids – folate, thiamin, magnesium, phosphates, potassium 2. Glucocorticoids: Dexamethasone, Prednisone, Indomethacin, Methotrexiate – amino acids, asorbic acid, magensium, potassium, zinc, folate 3. Anticonvulsants, phenobarbitol, phenytoin, primidone – vitamin D , vitamin K 4. Bile Acid Sequestrants: clofibrate, colestipol. Biguanides: metformin. Anti-Inflamatories: azufidine, sulfasalazine – vitamin A, vitamin B-12 5. Proton […]
Calcium Mal-Absorption As A Side Effect Of Acid Suppressants
A person may have a history of indigestion, acid reflux or ulcers and then is given a proton pump inhibitor (Prilosec, Protonix & Prevacid). In May, the FDA after reviewing studies of PPI’s, issued a warning of the significant side effects of PPI’s: increased risk of hip, wrist and spine fractures with high doses or […]
Pass Up The Paxil and Go for a Walk
Researchers analyzing 718 depressed patients deemed Anti-Depressant drugs not much more effective than placebos in relieving non-severe symptoms. These findings combined with a myriad of side effects, may help mild to moderate cases of depression to reconsider Allopathic care. It is known that a proper diet (see previous blogs), exercise, breathing exercises and forgiveness homework […]
Meta Analysis of Statin Drugs reveals "No Benefit On All – Cause Mortality"
In a recent meta-analysis of 11 studies on statin drugs (cholesterol lowering) involving 65,229 men and women yielding approximately 244,000 person years of follow up and 2,793 deaths, statin drugs were observed to be of no benefit (3.7 years of use of the statin drug) in reducing mortality, even in the high risk primary prevention population. […]