It’d be great if all the natural produce; fruits, veggies, grains would last forever. Yet they don’t. So we process food to make it stay on the shelf longer. The problem becomes the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, co factors and micro trace minerals are either gone or present only in part. Then companies attempt […]
Anti-Biotics and Digestive Disturbances
Dr. John Redman Coxe, 1773-1864, wrote that “The longer I live, the less confidence I have in drugs and the greater my confidence in the regulation and administration of diet and regimen.” Sounds like a wise man. Its all about our 6 Essentials. From the American Journal of Gastro-enterology, Oct. 12, 2010, Shaw, et al : […]
4 Common Symptoms and What You Can Do About Them
Osteoporosis: De-mineralization of the bone resulting in fractures A) Excess protein consumption- reduce protein to 40 grams a day. B) Increase green veggies for minerals, vitamins and co-factors. C) Get active- send a jarring stimulus into the joints and bones by weight bearing activities: walking, running, Pilate’s, aerobics. (studies of professional cyclists is Europe reveal […]
Our Children, Ourselves and Environmental Pollutants
Phillip and Alice Shabecoft have written an enlightening book “Poison for Profit”. His was a New York Times reporter for 32 years and has founded Greenwire, an online digest of environmental news. Some alarming statistics that his research revealed: -out of 73 million children: 21 million (1 out of 3) suffer from one or another […]