It matters not what we’re taking about, whether it’s an acute infection, a chronic unresolved injury, a metabolic syndrome (cardiovascular-II Diabetes), hormonal imbalances ( thyroid function, Cancer) or auto-immune (Hashimoto’s Disease, Arthritis): Its all about our habits. Our habits create our physiology (Epigenetics-Dr. Bruce Lipton). Our physiology may be pleasant or unpleasant , yet it […]
Amino Sweet – The New Name For Nutrisweet = Aspartame
The new name for the old product nutrisweet, made from aspartame is now AminoSweet. It is a host of products: 6000 foods, soft drinks, chewing gum, diet foods/drinks, breakfast cereals, vitamins, prescription and over the counter drugs, table top sweetners, Diabetic foods, jams/sweets… Here’s a short list of reported symptoms: Headache, change in vision, convulsions […]