What’s on my mind? State it! How do I feel about this? How does this serve me now? What do I get out of this?(What is the attraction?) What do I get away from, from this? (What is the aversion?) When have I seen this pattern in my life before? How did it serve me […]
A Brief Comment on Vaccinations-Some Stats to Consider
None of my children have ever been Vaccinated. They had all the childhood viruses and we dealt with them naturally; B.E.S.T. procedure, Homeopathy, Nutrition…etc. They cannot force you to immunize against your will (surgery without consent-i.e. breaking the skin). So you must become informed and take a stand for your child’s health. I have had […]
Morter Health Alliance Affirmation
Today is a great day and I have the opportunity to show up as the BEST me ever! My life is a HUGE success! My beliefs create my reality I think BIG thoughts Relish small pleasures and handle all setbacks gracefully I am deeply grateful for all I create and receive My life is now […]
The Law of Unintended Consequences
A client came in with a diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease; regional enteritis, inflamed small intestine. She had tried the whole gamut of allopathic/medical management with no results. She had also changed her diet and was on supplements but to no avail. After 8 visits with Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique-B.E.S.T., her body is no longer needing […]