In his new book ” Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind” Henry Grayson Ph.D. has some useful information and tools to help us on our healing journey. It is a must read for those who aspire spiritual, mental and emotional growth, as well as optimum health of body. We know in B.E.S.T.- Bio Energetic […]
Allergies – Why They Occur And What You Can Do Today To Make Them Unnecessary, Naturally
Whether you have seasonal allergic symptoms, perennial (year round), nasal, respiratory symptoms, asthma or even skin conditions we need to understand our immune system is overreacting. When our nervous system/mind perceives a threat (real like a vicious dog/fear or unreal like they don’t love me and I’m empty & worthless/fear) the immune system mounts a […]
Your Mind is Your Business!
What I observe daily within my own mind and that of my clients is how easily we are distracted from being present, now. And how quick we are in “sticking our noses” into other peoples business, yet not paying attention to what is directly facing me in my life. I know firsthand, of a person who […]
How Frustration and Anxiety Undermine Your Work and Your Health!
Anxiety is an insidious, health destroying emotion. It is similar to the feeling that “something bad is going to happen to me,” or “I just don’t feel safe.” Another common emotion clients report is frustration. Inevitably when I question them they are frustrated with something beyond their control. A person, place, circumstance or even that […]