Thought I would share a recent unsolicited testimonial that demonstrates the power of nutritional supplements and a willingness to heal. The key is not the nutritional changes (these are simple); it is the willingness to change, without that there is really vary little progress. Dear Roland & Cheryl, I just wanted to thank you […]
What Are the Top Healing Foods That Are Helpful In Cancer Prevention?
At Desert Dove Health & Wellness Center we are about empowering our clients with the truth: the truth about our 6 essential choices! What I Eat What I Drink What/How I breathe What/How I exercise How I sleep What/How I think An error in any one category can potentially affect the other five. According to […]
The Power of Forgiveness
We’ve all been to seminars where Dr. Morter or an instructor shares with us on the power of our choices and emotions. I sometimes feel we, including myself, take this incredible power – to choose, create, feel – for granted. Mostly because even though we know it, sometimes we do not experience it with our […]
Health Care Reform? Oh Really !
Without getting into the politics of control, lets look at the real issue. Are we really talking about health care? Can you legislate health care? Whose responsibility is it for health? Who is responsible when we reap natural consequences of violating natural laws? From my point of view as a practicing physician for over 25 […]
Fall Prevention: A B.E.S.T. Approach
Unsteady gait and falls present a great problem to the growing elderly population. Spinal, hip, and extremity fractures account for a majority of emergency room visits for the population above the age of 65. Dr. Michael Rodgers, Phd, CSCS, FACSM professor in the department of human performance and research director at the Center for Physical […]
And a willingness to change…
What I have observed in my 29 years of clinical experience is that initially and continually, people look for a quick fix. A magic pill, shot, potion, procedure or person will relieve my pain/suffering or condition. We are duped into thinking if the initial awareness or body expression/talk is suppressed then healing has occurred. I […]
Creating Your Anti-Inflammatory Diet Today!
Over 60 known diseases have been linked to chronic inflammation. These are the diseases that will overtake the average American unless we take action today. I’m not going to go into the biochemistry of inflammation and fat/hormone metabolism since that can put even diehard doctors to sleep. Instead, here is a list of Do’s and […]
Are You A Sugar Addict?
To be honest, we all are to some degree. The most common and overlooked habit that could reduce disease manifestation and save countless dollars spent on drugs, surgery, and emergency disease management is sugar addiction. In the past twenty years we as Americans have increased consumption from 20 lbs to 156 lbs – despite public […]
B.E.S.T. Training in Phoenix – May 13, 2010
Would you be interested in learning a technique that works EVERY time? If you answered, “yes” B.E.S.T. Training is the place for you! This 3 day intensive program includes verbal instruction from top notch Master Instructors trained personally by Dr. M.T. Morter, as well as hands-on practical with personal coaching from other B.E.S.T. practitioners. Click […]
It’s not my emotions!
She lay face down on my treatment table in a plus 10 pain syndrome. A congenital malformation of the sternum, shallow breath, tears and not wanting her medical doctors’ suggested surgery was her picture. I was a last resort. I asked her if she was in pain for a long time. She said her “whole […]