Phillip and Alice Shabecoft have written an enlightening book “Poison for Profit”. His was a New York Times reporter for 32 years and has founded Greenwire, an online digest of environmental news. Some alarming statistics that his research revealed: -out of 73 million children: 21 million (1 out of 3) suffer from one or another […]
Do You Have an Alkaline Mineral Deficiency?
When we respond to life inappropriately; as if it is an event to control, dominate, or avoid we become stuck in the Sympathetic portion of the Autonomic Nervous System. This system is primarily one of intense physical work, athletics or survival based activities. Many reactions occur in our bodies with the end result being one of […]
It’s All About Your 6 Essential Choices
It matters not what we’re taking about, whether it’s an acute infection, a chronic unresolved injury, a metabolic syndrome (cardiovascular-II Diabetes), hormonal imbalances ( thyroid function, Cancer) or auto-immune (Hashimoto’s Disease, Arthritis): Its all about our habits. Our habits create our physiology (Epigenetics-Dr. Bruce Lipton). Our physiology may be pleasant or unpleasant , yet it […]
The Benefits of Eating a Mediterranean Diet
Research on the diet of the Mediterranean culture has shown to have many benefits that are appropriate for Americans. – heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease – atherosclerosis – diabetes – colon cancer – asthma – inflammatory conditions (anything ending in “itis”) – One study exclusively using olive oil when preparing foods, as opposed to […]