In his new book ” Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind” Henry Grayson Ph.D. has some useful information and tools to help us on our healing journey. It is a must read for those who aspire spiritual, mental and emotional growth, as well as optimum health of body. We know in B.E.S.T.- Bio Energetic […]
Do My Feelings Really Matter?
One of the greatest determinants of health or disease in a person is their attitude about themselves, others and life. When I say attitude I mean their subconscious beliefs. These are programmed between 0-7 yrs of age and may not be very accurate, yet become the baseline for evaluating ourselves, others and life without questioning […]
Here’s Your Sign!
People often come in my office and report “Doc I’m stressed out!” Listening with compassion I often respond, there’s no such thing as “stressed out”, in reality it is truly “what are you resisting in your life.” Whats the lesson of the moment that I am just not getting? For if I don’t get the […]
Two Minds
In working with clients since 1982 I have seen just about every known malady. A common question is “how can this ‘bad’ disease happen to such a good person?” To understand our bodies and how they react we need to acknowledge we have two minds. The first is the conscious mind where I think, discern, […]