If there is one thing you want at every meal it is fiber. Fruit, vegetables, nuts and legumes are all rich in fiber. What research is telling us is that as we eat processed food and have a diet devoid of fiber, weight gain an illness begin.
Studies have also shown that fiber rich foods have many positive body effects:
Regulating blood sugar levels
Decreasing the risk of:
Heart disease
Hypertension- high blood pressure
Breast Cancer
Colon Cancer
Gastro-Intestinal disorders i.e. reflux, ulcers, IBS, diverticulitis, weight gain
An important note is that physiologically fiber improves the cleaning of fat soluble waste from the bloodstream, bile, liver and small intestine. If we lack fiber we recycle waste in our system and concentrate toxins which can lead to multiple inflammatory, hormonal and auto immune disorders (skin, bowel, liver/gall bladder, neurological). Remember our body detoxifys many poisons in the liver-gall bladder system and releases through the bowel. To decrease this action is creating what we now see so prevalent in current society.
According to Alejandro Jungen MD, Director of Integrative Medicine at Manhattan-based Lenux Hill Hospital and author of “Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal Itself.”
“When we don’t eat fiber our bowels do not eliminate the toxins we should be eliminating and they get reabsorbed into the blood.”
And I add from the blood these toxins will be exposed to the cells which affects cellular activity i.e. disease.
Cleanse T, Crave and Alka Cleanse are products that could help speed up the cleansing of toxins in the digestive system.
So lets fiber up, detoxify, alkalize and revitalize – FOR LIFE !
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland Phillips BA., BS., D.C