Anxiety is an insidious, health destroying emotion. It is similar to the feeling that “something bad is going to happen to me,” or “I just don’t feel safe.” Another common emotion clients report is frustration. Inevitably when I question them they are frustrated with something beyond their control. A person, place, circumstance or even that they believe they had control of, yet this belief was erroneous, an illusion carried over from childhood.
Anxiety and frustration can develop on the job or at home through personality conflicts, perceptions or expectations, various fears: of making a mistake, being fired, embarrassed, shamed, etc. Over time frustration and anxiety take their toll on our minds and bodies leading to inflammation, pain, general discomfort, and eventually exhaustion and disease. These factors combined with poor diet, lack of exercise and unfulfilled sleep can lead to a health time bomb.
Most stress on the job or at home (which really translates to resisting the lessons life is giving me), is triggered by how I see things rather than actual events like threatening problems. How I perceive or see life is a byproduct of past events, beliefs, traumas and dramas. This is demonstrated by an event occurring and ten people giving ten different emotional perspectives on the same event, some even perceiving an entirely different occurrence from the rest!
Defense physiology is a stuck perspective that life is out to get me like before, basically stuck in fear and lack. Blame, control the need to be right – all are cover-ups for old unreconciled feelings. In B.E.S.T. we have the technology to identify these key patterns and stuck perspectives and update them through homework and forgiveness such that what was once perceived as a threat (only to my ego) is now seen as it is in reality, another experience in my life’s journey of health, happiness, and success.
For more information call 480-899-3683.
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland F. Phillips BA, BS, D.C.