It matters not what we’re taking about, whether it’s an acute infection, a chronic unresolved injury, a metabolic syndrome (cardiovascular-II Diabetes), hormonal imbalances ( thyroid function, Cancer) or auto-immune (Hashimoto’s Disease, Arthritis): Its all about our habits. Our habits create our physiology (Epigenetics-Dr. Bruce Lipton). Our physiology may be pleasant or unpleasant , yet it […]
Type II Diabetes: 1 Out of Every 3 Americans By 2050
What’s wrong with this picture? We have the most resources, doctors, education and finances than any country on the planet. Yet we are one of the sickest places to live. Here’s some side effects (direct effects really, the side effect moniker is just a spin for4 the mentally feeble!) of a current Diabetic drug Victoza. […]
Mind-Body-Spirit: A Closer Look
In order for us to be healthy we must look at what science now tells us and what various spiritual philosophy have told us for millennium. We are one being and to be healthy we must honor and respect the mind, nourish the body and honor the spirit. To do otherwise is to invite symptoms […]
So What Now?
When our six essential choices (eat, drink, breathe, exercise, rest and think) become imbalanced due to habit, our minds shift into perceptions of defense. We begin to perceive threat where there is no actual threat to our existence. The true threat is to our ego-based beliefs that cause the drama and the trauma of our […]