The change of season is a great time to cleanse your liver, bowels and elimination systems. Detox before the holidays and make sure your body can handle any indiscretions or over indulgences and keep yourself feeling great! Check out our Liver Cleanse here! Liver CleanseIn Health & Service,Dr. Roland F. Phillips D.C. […]
Dr. Phillips Interviewed by Global Operation Detox on BlogTalkRadio
Dr. Phillips Interview on BlogTalkRadio
Creating A Life That You Desire Using BEST
The difference between what we do in a BEST office and what is done in an allopathic model primarily is that in BEST we are a coach and a teacher and the technique is secondary. BEST is a quantum technique (look for an explanation towards the end of this blog.) In contrast when we talk […]
We proudly offer Dr. Phillips’ CD’s discussing Addictions, Thoughts, Nutrition, Goal Setting and Chlorophyll & Fulvic Minerals and educational pamplets on a number of topics. Much more coming soon! In Health & Service, Dr. Roland F. Phillips BA., BS., D.C.