September 18th, 2012 Blog Talk Radio interview with Global Operation Detox
Do My Feelings Really Matter?
One of the greatest determinants of health or disease in a person is their attitude about themselves, others and life. When I say attitude I mean their subconscious beliefs. These are programmed between 0-7 yrs of age and may not be very accurate, yet become the baseline for evaluating ourselves, others and life without questioning […]
The Power of Forgiveness
We’ve all been to seminars where Dr. Morter or an instructor shares with us on the power of our choices and emotions. I sometimes feel we, including myself, take this incredible power – to choose, create, feel – for granted. Mostly because even though we know it, sometimes we do not experience it with our […]
How Our Beliefs Create Our Reality
Medical Model Disease Part Matter Chemical External invasion forces Cure Disease Mechanistic External control Replaces Treats disease Treats the disease the person has Healing – Wellness Health Body Energy Electrical Internal resistive forces Heals people Vitalistic Internal Control Restores Treats people Treats the person who has the disease