In his new book ” Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind” Henry Grayson Ph.D. has some useful information and tools to help us on our healing journey. It is a must read for those who aspire spiritual, mental and emotional growth, as well as optimum health of body. We know in B.E.S.T.- Bio Energetic […]
Frozen Shoulder: Is There A Blood Sugar Connection ?
Here are the facts: Non-Mechanical (not from trauma) of frozen shoulder – 2 to 4 times higher in Diabetes than in general population – common in Type I/II Diabetes, increasing with age and duration of Diabetes – the prevalence of Diabetes in clients with frozen shoulder is 76% Possible causes of the frozen shoulder are […]
Do My Feelings Really Matter?
One of the greatest determinants of health or disease in a person is their attitude about themselves, others and life. When I say attitude I mean their subconscious beliefs. These are programmed between 0-7 yrs of age and may not be very accurate, yet become the baseline for evaluating ourselves, others and life without questioning […]
Chronic Stress: You May Want to Consider Thyroid & Adrenal Support
What is chronic stress? It is work, kids, spouse, the economy, the middle east? No, a stress response is a reaction by our subconscious mind of perceived threat. Seeing a tiger, a burning building, hearing a rattlesnake, these are all a real threat to survival. They are dealt with immediately or you perish. Chronic stress […]