None of my children have ever been Vaccinated. They had all the childhood viruses and we dealt with them naturally; B.E.S.T. procedure, Homeopathy, Nutrition…etc. They cannot force you to immunize against your will (surgery without consent-i.e. breaking the skin). So you must become informed and take a stand for your child’s health. I have had […]
What You Need To Know About Food Allergies
1. Between 1997-2002 there was a doubling of peanut allergies among children. 2. One out of seventeen children under 3 yrs old had a food allergy. 3. According to the CDC there was a 265% increase in hospitalization related to food allergies. 4. Kraft and Monsanto have actually funded food allergy non-profit studies, perhaps a […]
High Fructose Corn Syrup, Mercury, and Autism
Here’s some data from the October 2009 Journal of Pediatrics: – Numerous studies have suggested that the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders has increased in the U.S. dramatically in the past decades. The early 2000’s found 1 in every 166 have some form of autism, by 2008 it was 1 in every 151, and 2009 […]
Whats Wrong With Milk ? I Thought It Was The Perfect Food?
Well maybe. For some people it’s OK, yet for people with behavioral problems, allergies, autism, asthma, Asberger’s Syndrome and a variety of other disorders an allergy to the protein in milk called casein may be the problem. Although it may cause many health issues it also has an opiate-like calming effect – which may explain […]