Dale Carnegie wrote ” I find that 50% of my worries vanish once I arrive at a clear, definite decision; and another 40% usually vanish once I start to carry out that decision.” There is a part of our being that is very narcissistic. This primordial self-centeredness is passed on from generation to generation and […]
Adrenal Exhaustion: The Single Greatest Link To A Dis-Ease (lack of ease in life)
The adrenal glands are our fight flight glands; the stress glands. They are closely associated with the adductor muscle group; gastronemius, gracillus, soleus and satorius muscles. So any pain, dysfunction, mechanical injury to the lower back and extremities needs to be looked at as possible link to adrenal over reaching. The Triple Heater meridian (thyroid) […]
Understanding the Fight-Flight Reflex, “Where is the Tiger?”
Most of us have heard of the fight or flight reflex, a natural survival response of the sympathetic nervous system. It triggers internal changes in physiology in response to stimulus from external sources in our environment. If I see, smell, taste, touch, hear anything that could threaten my existence, I have been created to fight […]