Seriously? It’s not just stress, it’s how I interpret and respond to life! And if I am constantly in a tug of war within myself, others, kids, spouse, friends, traffic, the economy, the government, etc., I’m forever missing the mark. The truth of the matter is, it’s not stress “out there” but an inner resistance within myself to myself- resisting the lesson of the moment.
Between 0 to 7 years old data is input into our brains, some truth based, others inappropriate and outright falsehood. All programmed into our brains, as how to perceive and respond in an appropriate, healthy and life generating response. When trauma occurs in forms of physical, chemical, emotional and mental stimuli, the development of the brain gets stuck in a defense loop and the computer (brain) learns that’s what out there and in here (me) is not safe. So I’m perpetually fighting tigers (perceived illusion of threat) within and without. Here is a short list of how our perceptions effect our bodies.
-Glucocorticoids during stress reaction damage the hippo-campus interfering with long-term and spatial navigation (posture!)
-Alters nerve cell structure; behavioral consequences, depression.
-Feelings/perceptions of social isolation (I feel all alone) can contribute to being 3 times more susceptible to developing breast cancer.
– Glucocorticoids of stress reaction; lead to inflammation, cancer, blood sugar imbalance.
-Inflammation creates calcium absorption imbalances and a decrease in osteoblasts (cells that make bone).
-Post Hurricane Katrina there was a 3 fold increase in heart attacks. Bottled up anger for any reason or justification (it makes no difference) increases risk of heart attack.
-High stress related hormone cortisol increases belly fat, blocked arteries and Type II Diabetes. Various studies at Wake Forest University and U.S. Navy indicate high demand jobs are associated with diarrhea, IBS and other GI disorders.
Sexual Reproductive Health
-As Glucocorticoids go up growth hormone goes down. This creates problems with ovulation, sperm count and sexual activity.
-Acne, fever-blisters and rosacea (sub-clinical undiagnosed lupus) are all indicators of chronic hypersensitive individuals, creating immune imbalances and skin problems.
So take a deep breath in through your nose and out your mouth, lower your shoulders, remember not to take anything personally and realize that anything outside of your own skin is out of your control, so why stress over it?
In Health & Service,
Dr. Roland F Phillips BA,BS, D.C.