A person may have a history of indigestion, acid reflux or ulcers and then is given a proton pump inhibitor (Prilosec, Protonix & Prevacid). In May, the FDA after reviewing studies of PPI’s, issued a warning of the significant side effects of PPI’s: increased risk of hip, wrist and spine fractures with high doses or […]
Osteoporosis: What You Don’t Know Just Might Break You Up!
Bone disease has reached near epidemic levels in America. Millions are effected by crippling and debilitating affects of osteoporosis. This is a de-mineralization of the bone, resulting in less density and fractures of the spine, wrist, hip and osteopenia (softening of the bones). According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, an estimated 10 million Americans over […]
It’s Just Stress!
Seriously? It’s not just stress, it’s how I interpret and respond to life! And if I am constantly in a tug of war within myself, others, kids, spouse, friends, traffic, the economy, the government, etc., I’m forever missing the mark. The truth of the matter is, it’s not stress “out there” but an inner resistance […]